Wednesday, May 06, 2009

everybody loves zoozoo!!

Isnt it?.. each sporting event is taxed with drab dull bland ads..while "this year in televisions near you".. we got a beautifully crafted series of ads by Vodafone which I just love.


Those who matter just a ring away, away they are…
the ring is tall and ring is strong, ring we got into and spectacle is on

With each applaud, jumping through the hoop
like blind folded trying to complete a loop
The circle of pleasure refuse to get a closure

trails to mirage never leave a trace for other
Each has to walk his own journey be the king or pauper

pushed the envelope too long, now collapse within
Like a star who forgot to shine
or a cursed genius of classic old time

At least a shooting stars fulfils a wish
Here I create and forget a thousand piece
each so complete but sum total a big miss

I pocket my pen, deep in thoughts once again
Have been my companion-de-catharsis,
no new yet no one knew its pain

Remorseful I write, I sing when in delight
In doubt I shut up, And then I bottle up

The lucky ones get happy with the map for the world
Rest cook a private hell and live like no rules hold

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