Thursday, February 21, 2008

TOI and our thought trains

The other day I was talking to my brother who is aspiring to get into a Business school. The topic of discussion was GD sessions that are conducted during the Management Entrances. One of the topics given to bunch of 10 candidates is "Morality is a creation of weak to control and deter strong" and initial thoughts that are heard would boggle anybody with sane mind.

One guy gave an example of how Dhirubhai and how he (not even saying) allegedly build an empire using corruption while others took shots at the similar examples. Now it is absurd in so many ways ...first you quote an heresay, second it is not even close to point under discussion. It seems guys in their eagerness to 'talk' loosing a ability of active listening. Other thing evident is inability to talk in terms of concepts and abstractions or making statements which shows chain of reasoning and logical/rational bent of mind. Most talk like a typical Times Of India article, shallow in its way to drive home a point...look what you did to our best brains...!

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